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Tag Archives: Law

VERMONT Packaging and Labeling State Law

VERMONT Packaging and Labeling State Law

Vermont’s labeling and packaging guidelines include the following: • A registered dispensary shall package all marijuana dispensed in an envelope or other container used and intended for sale. • A label shall be affixed on the packaging of all marijuana that is dispensed. The label shall identify the particular strain of marijuana and the weight […]

CONNECTICUT Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

CONNECTICUT Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

Connecticut’s cannabis labeling and packaging guidelines come from Sec. 21a-408-56 of its regulations: • A producer shall individually package, label, and seal marijuana products in unit sizes such that no single unit contains more than a one-month supply of marijuana. • A producer shall place any product containing marijuana in a child-resistant and light-resistant package. • A […]

COLORADO Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

COLORADO Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

Colorado’s most recent updates to labeling requirements include the following stipulations: M 1002 – Labeling Requirements: General Requirements Labeling Required. All Medical Marijuana and Medical Marijuana-Infused Product sold, transferred, or otherwise provided to a consumer must be in a Container that is labeled with all required information, see Rules M 1001 – Packaging Requirements: General […]

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