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Tag Archives: marijuana dispensary supplies

WASHINGTON Packaging and Labeling State Law

WASHINGTON Packaging and Labeling State Law

Washington’s  labeling and packaging guidelines include the following: Packaging and labeling requirements. (1) All usable marijuana and marijuana-infused products must be stored behind a counter or other barrier to ensure a customer does not have direct access to the product. (2) Any container or packaging containing usable marijuana, marijuana concentrates, or marijuana-infused products must protect […]

VERMONT Packaging and Labeling State Law

VERMONT Packaging and Labeling State Law

Vermont’s labeling and packaging guidelines include the following: • A registered dispensary shall package all marijuana dispensed in an envelope or other container used and intended for sale. • A label shall be affixed on the packaging of all marijuana that is dispensed. The label shall identify the particular strain of marijuana and the weight […]

RHODE ISLAND Packaging and Labeling State Law

RHODE ISLAND Packaging and Labeling State Law

Rhode Island’s labeling and packaging guidelines include the following: • (j) A description of the packaging of the useable marijuana that the compassion center shall be utilizing which shall, as a minimum, include: (1) A label containing the name of the strain, batch, and quantity; and (2) A statement that the product is for medical […]

OREGON Packaging and Labeling State Law

OREGON Packaging and Labeling State Law

Oregon’s  labeling and packaging guidelines fall under 333-007-0010 Labeling and include the following: 333-007-0030 Marijuana Plant Labeling Requirements Prior to a marijuana plant being sold or transferred to a consumer, patient or designated primary caregiver a tag or label must be affixed to the plant or plant container that has the following information: (1) Producer’s […]

NEW YORK Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

NEW YORK Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

New York’s cannabis labeling and packaging guidelines include the following: • (g) Approved medical marihuana products shall be limited to the following forms and routes of administration: (1) liquid or oil preparations for metered oromucosal or sublingual administration or administration per tube; (2) metered liquid or oil preparations for vaporization; (3) capsules for oral administration; […]

NEW MEXICO Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

NEW MEXICO Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

New Mexico’s cannabis labeling and packaging guidelines include the following: • Packaging and labeling: a manufacturer applicant shall submit a description and sample of the opaque, child-resistant packaging of the concentrate or cannabis-derived product that the manufacturer shall utilize, including a label that shall contain: (1) the name of the entity that produced the cannabis […]

NEW JERSEY Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

NEW JERSEY Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

New Jersey’s cannabis labeling and packaging guidelines include the following: (b) The ATC–plant cultivation shall place a legible, firmly affixed label containing the information specified in (c) below on each package of medical marijuana it dispenses to an ATC–dispensary and shall not dispense medical marijuana if the package does not bear the label. (c) The […]

NEW HAMPSHIRE Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

NEW HAMPSHIRE Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

New Hampshire’s cannabis labeling and packaging guidelines require alternative treatment centers to provide a plan for safe and accurate packaging and labeling of cannabis, including the applicant’s plan for ensuring that all cannabis is free of contaminants. For more information, please refer to New Hampshire House Bill 573.

NEVADA Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

NEVADA Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

Nevada’s cannabis labeling and packaging guidelines include the following: NAC 453A.500  Packaging: Generally. (NRS 453A.370) 1.  Any product containing marijuana must be packaged in child-resistant packaging in accordance with 16 C.F.R. § 1700 or the standards specified in subsection 2 or 3. 2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, marijuana-infused products in solid or liquid form must be […]

MINNESOTA Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

MINNESOTA Marijuana Packaging and Labeling State Law

Minnesota’s cannabis labeling and packaging guidelines include the following: 0850 PACKAGING AND LABELING. Subpart 1. Medical cannabis packaging. The medical cannabis manufacturer must package all medical cannabis intended for distribution according to the following standards: In addition to the requirements in Minnesota Statutes, section 152.29, subdivision 3, paragraph (c), clause (5), medical cannabis containers must […]

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